Глава 20. Modeler. Скругляем углы

Наша нынешняя квадратная модель не позволяет оценить всю прелесть Phong шейдера, в частности – блики. Для этого лучше подошло бы что-то более округлое. Зачит, давайте соответственно расширим Modeler.


1. Запускаем VS. Открываем C:\CPP\a997modeler\p_windows\p_windows.sln.

Во-первых – надо расширить VirtualShape.h.

2. Заменим VirtualShape.h код на:

#pragma once
#include "platform.h"

class VirtualShape
	char shapeType[20] = "box";
	float whl[3] = { 0 }; //width/height/length (x,y,z sizes/dimensions)
	int sections[3] = { 1,1,1 }; //number of sections for each axis
	int sectionsR = 1; //number of radial sections
	//side extensions
	float extU = 0; //up
	float extD = 0; //down
	float extL = 0; //left
	float extR = 0; //right
	float extF = 0; //front
	float extB = 0; //back

	void setShapeType(std::string needType) { setShapeType(this, needType); };
	static void setShapeType(VirtualShape* pVS, std::string needType) { myStrcpy_s(pVS->shapeType, 20, (char*)needType.c_str()); };
	void setExt(float v) { setExt(this, v); };
	void setExtX(float v) { setExtX(this, v); };
	void setExtY(float v) { setExtY(this, v); };
	void setExtZ(float v) { setExtZ(this, v); };
	static void setExt(VirtualShape* pVS, float v) { pVS->extU = v; pVS->extD = v; pVS->extL = v; pVS->extR = v; pVS->extF = v; pVS->extB = v; };
	static void setExtX(VirtualShape* pVS, float v) { pVS->extL = v; pVS->extR = v; };
	static void setExtY(VirtualShape* pVS, float v) { pVS->extU = v; pVS->extD = v; };
	static void setExtZ(VirtualShape* pVS, float v) { pVS->extF = v; pVS->extB = v; };

Новая концепция тут – “extensions” (расширения). Они нужны для форм с закругленными углами и ребрами:

Другое изменение здесь – char* shapeType вместо std::string.

Также появилась новая platform-specific функция – myStrcpy_s(), копирование массива char. Причина та же что и с myFopen_s(). Другая platform-specific функция, которая нам скоро понадобится – это myMkDir(), создать каталог.

3. Заменим platform.h код на:

#pragma once
#include <glad/glad.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned _int64 myUint64;
typedef unsigned _int32 myUint32;
typedef unsigned _int16 myUint16;
typedef unsigned _int8  myUint8;

void mylog(const char* _Format, ...);
void mySwapBuffers();
void myPollEvents();
int myFopen_s(FILE** pFile, const char* filePath, const char* mode);
int myMkDir(const char* outPath);
void myStrcpy_s(char* dst, int maxSize, const char* src);

4. Заменим platform.cpp код на:

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "TheGame.h"
#include <direct.h> //myMkDir: mkdir
#include <sys/stat.h> //myMkDir: if file esists

extern GLFWwindow* myMainWindow;
extern TheGame theGame;

void mylog(const char* _Format, ...) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
    va_list _ArgList;
    va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
    vprintf(_Format, _ArgList);
void mySwapBuffers() {
void myPollEvents() {
    //check if closing the window
    theGame.bExitGame = glfwWindowShouldClose(myMainWindow);
    //check screen size
    int width, height;
    glfwGetFramebufferSize(myMainWindow, &width, &height);
    theGame.onScreenResize(width, height);
int myFopen_s(FILE** pFile, const char* filePath, const char* mode) {
    return fopen_s(pFile, filePath, mode);
int myMkDir(const char* outPath) {
    struct stat info;
    if (stat(outPath, &info) == 0)
        return 0; //exists already
    int status = _mkdir(outPath);
    if (status == 0)
        return 1; //Successfully created
    mylog("ERROR creating, status=%d\n", status);
    return -1;
void myStrcpy_s(char* dst, int maxSize, const char* src) {
    strcpy_s(dst, maxSize, src);
    //fill tail by zeros
    int strLen = strlen(dst);
    if (strLen < maxSize)
        for (int i = strLen; i < maxSize; i++)
            dst[i] = 0;

Класс ModelBuilder становится настораживающе большим. Лучше разобьем его на 2 уровня, первый уровень – базовый функционал, назовем его ModelBuilder1base.

Только 1 новая функция – moveGroupDg(…) – которая будет разворачивать и сдвигать группу вертексов (чтобы ставить “расширения” на их окончательные позиции)

5. Под modeler добавим новый Header File (.h) ModelBuilder1base.h

Location: C:\CPP\engine\modeler\


#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Vertex01.h"
#include "Triangle01.h"
#include "VirtualShape.h"
#include "Group01.h"
#include "Material.h"
#include "GameSubj.h"

class ModelBuilder1base
	std::vector<Vertex01*> vertices;
	std::vector<Triangle01*> triangles;
	std::vector<VirtualShape*> vShapesStack;
	std::vector<Group01*> groupsStack;
	std::vector<Material*> materialsList;
	std::vector<int> subjNumbersList;
	int usingSubjN = -1;
	int usingMaterialN = -1;
	Group01* pCurrentGroup = NULL;
	virtual ~ModelBuilder1base();
	int useSubjN(int subjN) { return useSubjN(this, subjN); };
	static int useSubjN(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, int subjN);
	int useMaterial(Material* pMT) { return useMaterial(this, pMT); };
	static int useMaterial(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, Material* pMT);
	static void lockGroup(ModelBuilder1base* pMB);
	static void releaseGroup(ModelBuilder1base* pMB);
	static int addVertex(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, float kx, float ky, float kz, float nx, float ny, float nz);
	static int add2triangles(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, int nNW, int nNE, int nSW, int nSE, int n);
	static int addTriangle(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, int n0, int n1, int n2);
	int buildDrawJobs(std::vector<GameSubj*> gameSubjs) { return buildDrawJobs(this, gameSubjs); };
	static int buildDrawJobs(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, std::vector<GameSubj*> gameSubjs);
	static int rearrangeArraysForDrawJob(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, std::vector<Vertex01*> allVertices, std::vector<Vertex01*> useVertices, std::vector<Triangle01*> useTriangles);
	static int buildSingleDrawJob(Material* pMT, std::vector<Vertex01*> useVertices, std::vector<Triangle01*> useTriangles);
	static int moveGroupDg(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, float aX, float aY, float aZ, float kX, float kY, float kZ);

6. Под modeler добавим новый C++ File (.cpp) ModelBuilder1base.cpp

Location: C:\CPP\engine\modeler\


#include "ModelBuilder1base.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "DrawJob.h"
#include "Shader.h"

extern float degrees2radians;

ModelBuilder1base::~ModelBuilder1base() {
	//clear all vectors
	int itemsN = vertices.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
		delete vertices.at(i);

	itemsN = triangles.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
		delete triangles.at(i);

	itemsN = vShapesStack.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
		delete vShapesStack.at(i);

	itemsN = groupsStack.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
		delete groupsStack.at(i);

	itemsN = materialsList.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
		delete materialsList.at(i);

int ModelBuilder1base::useSubjN(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, int subjN) {
	pMB->usingSubjN = subjN;
	int itemsN = pMB->subjNumbersList.size();
	bool newN = true;
	if (itemsN > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
			if (pMB->subjNumbersList.at(i) == subjN) {
				newN = false;
	if (newN)
	return subjN;
int ModelBuilder1base::useMaterial(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, Material* pMT) {
	int itemsN = pMB->materialsList.size();
	if (itemsN > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++)
			if (memcmp(pMB->materialsList.at(i), pMT, sizeof(Material)) == 0) {
				pMB->usingMaterialN = i;
				return i;
	//if here - add new material to the list
	pMB->usingMaterialN = itemsN;
	//create a copy of new Material and add to the list
	Material* pMTnew = new Material(*pMT);
	return itemsN;
int ModelBuilder1base::add2triangles(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, int nNW, int nNE, int nSW, int nSE, int n) {
	//indexes: NorthWest, NorthEast, SouthWest,SouthEast
	if (n % 2 == 0) { //even number
		addTriangle(pMB, nNW, nSW, nNE);
		addTriangle(pMB, nNE, nSW, nSE);
	else { //odd number
		addTriangle(pMB, nNW, nSE, nNE);
		addTriangle(pMB, nNW, nSW, nSE);
	return pMB->triangles.size() - 1;
int ModelBuilder1base::addTriangle(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, int i0, int i1, int i2) {
	Triangle01* pTR = new Triangle01();
	pTR->idx[0] = i0;
	pTR->idx[1] = i1;
	pTR->idx[2] = i2;
	pTR->subjN = pMB->usingSubjN;
	pTR->materialN = pMB->usingMaterialN;
	return pMB->triangles.size() - 1;
void ModelBuilder1base::lockGroup(ModelBuilder1base* pMB) {
	if (pMB->pCurrentGroup != NULL)
	pMB->pCurrentGroup = new Group01();
	pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromVertexN = pMB->vertices.size();
	pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromTriangleN = pMB->triangles.size();
void ModelBuilder1base::releaseGroup(ModelBuilder1base* pMB) {
	delete pMB->pCurrentGroup;
	if (pMB->groupsStack.size() > 0) {
		pMB->pCurrentGroup = pMB->groupsStack.back();
		pMB->pCurrentGroup = NULL;
int ModelBuilder1base::addVertex(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, float kx, float ky, float kz, float nx, float ny, float nz) {
	Vertex01* pVX = new Vertex01();
	pVX->aPos[0] = kx;
	pVX->aPos[1] = ky;
	pVX->aPos[2] = kz;
	pVX->aNormal[0] = nx;
	pVX->aNormal[1] = ny;
	pVX->aNormal[2] = nz;
	pVX->subjN = pMB->usingSubjN;
	pVX->materialN = pMB->usingMaterialN;
	return pMB->vertices.size() - 1;
int ModelBuilder1base::buildDrawJobs(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, std::vector<GameSubj*> gameSubjs) {
	int totalSubjsN = pMB->subjNumbersList.size();
	if (totalSubjsN < 1) {
		totalSubjsN = 1;
	int totalMaterialsN = pMB->materialsList.size();
	if (totalSubjsN < 2 && totalMaterialsN < 2) {
		//simple single DrawJob
		Material* pMT = pMB->materialsList.at(0);
		GameSubj* pGS = NULL;
		int gsN = pMB->subjNumbersList.at(0);
		if (gsN >= 0)
			pGS = gameSubjs.at(gsN);
		if (pGS != NULL)
			pGS->djStartN = DrawJob::drawJobs.size();
		buildSingleDrawJob(pMT, pMB->vertices, pMB->triangles);
		if (pGS != NULL)
			pGS->djTotalN = DrawJob::drawJobs.size() - pGS->djStartN;
		return 1;
	int totalVertsN = pMB->vertices.size();
	int totalTrianglesN = pMB->triangles.size();
	//clear flags
	for (int vN = 0; vN < totalVertsN; vN++) {
		Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(vN);
		pVX->flag = 0;
	for (int tN = 0; tN < totalTrianglesN; tN++) {
		Triangle01* pTR = pMB->triangles.at(tN);
		pTR->flag = 0;
	int addedDJs = 0;
	for (int sN = 0; sN < totalSubjsN; sN++) {
		GameSubj* pGS = NULL;
		int gsN = pMB->subjNumbersList.at(sN);
		if (gsN >= 0)
			pGS = gameSubjs.at(gsN);
		if (pGS != NULL)
			pGS->djStartN = DrawJob::drawJobs.size();
		for (int mtN = 0; mtN < totalMaterialsN; mtN++) {
			Material* pMT = pMB->materialsList.at(mtN);
			std::vector<Vertex01*> useVertices;
			std::vector<Triangle01*> useTriangles;
			for (int vN = 0; vN < totalVertsN; vN++) {
				Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(vN);
				if (pVX->flag != 0)
				if (pVX->subjN != gsN)
				if (pVX->materialN != mtN)
				//if here - make a copy
				Vertex01* pVX2 = new Vertex01(*pVX);
				pVX2->altN = vN;
				pVX->flag = 1;
				if (pVX->endOfSequence > 0) {
					rearrangeArraysForDrawJob(pMB, pMB->vertices, useVertices, useTriangles);
					buildSingleDrawJob(pMT, useVertices, useTriangles);
					//clear and proceed to next sequence
					int useVerticesN = useVertices.size();
					for (int i = 0; i < useVerticesN; i++)
						delete useVertices.at(i);
			int useVerticesN = useVertices.size();
			if (useVerticesN < 1)
				continue; //to next material
			//pick triangles
			for (int tN = 0; tN < totalTrianglesN; tN++) {
				Triangle01* pTR = pMB->triangles.at(tN);
				if (pTR->flag != 0)
				if (pTR->subjN != gsN)
				if (pTR->materialN != mtN)
				//if here - make a copy
				Triangle01* pTR2 = new Triangle01(*pTR);
				pTR->flag = 1;
			rearrangeArraysForDrawJob(pMB, pMB->vertices, useVertices, useTriangles);
			buildSingleDrawJob(pMT, useVertices, useTriangles);
			//clear all for next material
			for (int i = 0; i < useVerticesN; i++)
				delete useVertices.at(i);
			int useTrianglesN = useTriangles.size();
			for (int i = 0; i < useTrianglesN; i++)
				delete useTriangles.at(i);
		if (pGS != NULL)
			pGS->djTotalN = DrawJob::drawJobs.size() - pGS->djStartN;
	return addedDJs;
int ModelBuilder1base::buildSingleDrawJob(Material* pMT, std::vector<Vertex01*> useVertices, std::vector<Triangle01*> useTriangles) {
	int totalVertsN = useVertices.size();
	if (totalVertsN < 1)
		return 1;
	DrawJob* pDJ = new DrawJob();
	//copy material to DJ
	memcpy(&pDJ->mt, pMT, sizeof(Material));
	//calculate VBO element size (stride) and variables offsets in VBO
	int VBOid = DrawJob::newBufferId();
	int stride = 0;
	pDJ->setDesirableOffsets(&stride, pDJ->mt.shaderN, VBOid);
	//create an array for VBO
	int bufferSize = totalVertsN * stride;
	float* vertsBuffer = new float[bufferSize];
	//fill vertsBuffer
	Shader* pSh = Shader::shaders.at(pDJ->mt.shaderN);
	int floatSize = sizeof(float);
	for (int vN = 0; vN < totalVertsN; vN++) {
		Vertex01* pVX = useVertices.at(vN);
		int idx = vN * stride / floatSize;
		//pick data from vertex and move to the buffer
		memcpy(&vertsBuffer[idx + pDJ->aPos.offset / floatSize], pVX->aPos, 3 * floatSize);
		if (pSh->l_aNormal >= 0) //normal
			memcpy(&vertsBuffer[idx + pDJ->aNormal.offset / floatSize], pVX->aNormal, 3 * floatSize);
		if (pSh->l_aTuv >= 0) //attribute TUV (texture coordinates)
			memcpy(&vertsBuffer[idx + pDJ->aTuv.offset / floatSize], pVX->aTuv, 2 * floatSize);
		if (pSh->l_aTuv2 >= 0) //attribute TUV2 (normal maps)
			memcpy(&vertsBuffer[idx + pDJ->aTuv2.offset / floatSize], pVX->aTuv2, 2 * floatSize);
		if (pSh->l_aTangent >= 0)
			memcpy(&vertsBuffer[idx + pDJ->aTangent.offset / floatSize], pVX->aTangent, 3 * floatSize);
		if (pSh->l_aBinormal >= 0)
			memcpy(&vertsBuffer[idx + pDJ->aBinormal.offset / floatSize], pVX->aBinormal, 3 * floatSize);
	//buffer is ready, create VBO
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOid);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferSize * floatSize, vertsBuffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	delete[] vertsBuffer;
	pDJ->pointsN = totalVertsN;

	int totalTrianglesN = useTriangles.size();
	if (totalTrianglesN > 0) {
		//create EBO
		int totalIndexesN = totalTrianglesN * 3;
		//create buffer
		GLushort* indexBuffer = new GLushort[totalIndexesN];
		for (int tN = 0; tN < totalTrianglesN; tN++) {
			Triangle01* pTR = useTriangles[tN];
			int idx = tN * 3;
			indexBuffer[idx + 0] = (GLushort)pTR->idx[0];
			indexBuffer[idx + 1] = (GLushort)pTR->idx[1];
			indexBuffer[idx + 2] = (GLushort)pTR->idx[2];
		//buffer is ready, create IBO
		pDJ->glEBOid = DrawJob::newBufferId();
		glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, pDJ->glEBOid);
		glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, totalIndexesN * sizeof(GLushort), indexBuffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
		delete[] indexBuffer;
		pDJ->pointsN = totalIndexesN;
	//create and fill vertex attributes array (VAO)
	return 1;
int ModelBuilder1base::rearrangeArraysForDrawJob(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, std::vector<Vertex01*> allVertices, std::vector<Vertex01*> useVertices, std::vector<Triangle01*> useTriangles) {
	int totalTrianglesN = useTriangles.size();
	if (totalTrianglesN < 1)
		return 0;
	int totalVerticesN = useVertices.size();
	//save new vertices order in original vertices array
	//since triangles indices refer to original vertices order
	for (int i = 0; i < totalVerticesN; i++) {
		Vertex01* pVX1 = useVertices.at(i);
		Vertex01* pVX0 = allVertices.at(pVX1->altN);
		pVX0->altN = i;
	//replace triangle original indices by new numbers saved in original vertices altN
	for (int tN = 0; tN < totalTrianglesN; tN++) {
		Triangle01* pTR = useTriangles.at(tN);
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			Vertex01* pVX0 = allVertices.at(pTR->idx[i]);
			pTR->idx[i] = pVX0->altN;
	return 1;

int ModelBuilder1base::moveGroupDg(ModelBuilder1base* pMB, float aX, float aY, float aZ, float kX, float kY, float kZ) {
	//moves and rotates vertex group
	//rotation angles are set in degrees
	mat4x4 transformMatrix = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
	mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, kX, kY, kZ);
	//rotation order: Z-X-Y
	if (aY != 0) mat4x4_rotate_Y(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, degrees2radians * aY);
	if (aX != 0) mat4x4_rotate_X(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, degrees2radians * aX);
	if (aZ != 0) mat4x4_rotate_Z(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, degrees2radians * aZ);

	int vertsN = pMB->vertices.size();
	for (int i = pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromVertexN; i < vertsN; i++) {
		Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(i);
		mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(pVX->aPos, transformMatrix, pVX->aPos, 1);
		mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(pVX->aNormal, transformMatrix, pVX->aNormal, 0);
	return 1;

Изменения в классе ModelBuilder:

a) Теперь он наследут ModelBuilder1base.

b) Новые функции ModelBuilder-а:

  • buildFace(…) – выбирает чем генерировать поверхность в зависимости от типа VirtualShape
  • buildBoxFace(…) – расширена для приема/обработки “расширений”
  • boxFacePlain(…) – рисует простую прямоугольную проекцию
  • boxFaceTank(…) – рисует прямоугольную проекцию с закругленными краями и углами
  • cylinderWrap(…) – рисует сектор цилиндра (для ребер расширений)
  • capWrap(…) – рисует сектор “чаши” (полу-сферы) (для углов расширений)

7. Заменим ModelBuilder.h код на:

#pragma once
#include "ModelBuilder1base.h"

class ModelBuilder : public ModelBuilder1base
	virtual ~ModelBuilder();
	static int buildFace(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS);
	static int buildBoxFace(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS);
	static int buildBoxFacePlain(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS);
	static int buildBoxFaceTank(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS);
	static int cylinderWrap(ModelBuilder* pMB, VirtualShape* pVS, float angleFrom, float angleTo);
	static int capWrap(ModelBuilder* pMB, VirtualShape* pVS, float angleFrom, float angleTo);

8. Заменим ModelBuilder.cpp код на:

#include "ModelBuilder.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "DrawJob.h"
#include "Shader.h"

extern float degrees2radians;

ModelBuilder::~ModelBuilder() {

int ModelBuilder::buildFace(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS) {
	if (strstr(pVS->shapeType, "box") == pVS->shapeType)
		return buildBoxFace(pMB, applyTo, pVS);
	return -1;
int ModelBuilder::buildBoxFace(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS) {
	//this code is for simple box
	VirtualShape vs; //face VS, 
	mat4x4 transformMatrix = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
	vs.sectionsR = pVS->sectionsR;
	//rotate desirable side to face us. 
	if (applyTo.find("front") == 0) {
		//Side <front> is facing us as is.
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->whl[0];
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->whl[1];
		vs.sections[0] = pVS->sections[0];
		vs.sections[1] = pVS->sections[1];
		vs.extF = pVS->extF;
		vs.extL = pVS->extL;
		vs.extR = pVS->extR;
		vs.extU = pVS->extU;
		vs.extD = pVS->extD;
		//define how to move/place generated face back to the VirtualShape
		//just shift closer to us by length/2
		mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, 0, 0, pVS->whl[2] / 2);
	else if (applyTo.find("back") == 0) {
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->whl[0];
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->whl[1];
		vs.sections[0] = pVS->sections[0];
		vs.sections[1] = pVS->sections[1];
		vs.extF = pVS->extB;
		vs.extL = pVS->extR;
		vs.extR = pVS->extL;
		vs.extU = pVS->extU;
		vs.extD = pVS->extD;
		//rotate 180 degrees around Y and shift farther from us by half-length
		mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, 0, 0, -pVS->whl[2] / 2);
		mat4x4_rotate_Y(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, degrees2radians * 180);
	else if (applyTo.find("left") == 0) {
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->whl[2]; //width = original length
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->whl[1];
		vs.sections[0] = pVS->sections[2];
		vs.sections[1] = pVS->sections[1];
		vs.extF = pVS->extL;
		vs.extL = pVS->extB;
		vs.extR = pVS->extF;
		vs.extU = pVS->extU;
		vs.extD = pVS->extD;
		//rotate -90 degrees around Y (CW) and shift half-width to the left
		mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, -pVS->whl[0] / 2, 0, 0);
		mat4x4_rotate_Y(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, -degrees2radians * 90);
	else if (applyTo.find("right") == 0) {
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->whl[2]; //width = original length
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->whl[1];
		vs.sections[0] = pVS->sections[2];
		vs.sections[1] = pVS->sections[1];
		vs.extF = pVS->extR;
		vs.extL = pVS->extF;
		vs.extR = pVS->extB;
		vs.extU = pVS->extU;
		vs.extD = pVS->extD;
		//rotate +90 degrees around Y (CCW) and shift half-width to the right
		mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, pVS->whl[0] / 2, 0, 0);
		mat4x4_rotate_Y(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, degrees2radians * 90);
	else if (applyTo.find("top") == 0) {
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->whl[0];
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->whl[2]; //height = original length
		vs.sections[0] = pVS->sections[0];
		vs.sections[1] = pVS->sections[2];
		vs.extF = pVS->extU;
		vs.extL = pVS->extR;
		vs.extR = pVS->extL;
		vs.extU = pVS->extF;
		vs.extD = pVS->extB;
		//rotate -90 degrees around X (CW) and 180 around Y, and shift half-height up
		mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, 0, pVS->whl[1] / 2, 0);
		mat4x4_rotate_Y(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, -degrees2radians * 180);
		mat4x4_rotate_X(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, -degrees2radians * 90);
	else if (applyTo.find("bottom") == 0) {
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->whl[0];
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->whl[2]; //height = original length
		vs.sections[0] = pVS->sections[0];
		vs.sections[1] = pVS->sections[2];
		vs.extF = pVS->extD;
		vs.extL = pVS->extL;
		vs.extR = pVS->extR;
		vs.extU = pVS->extF;
		vs.extD = pVS->extB;
		//rotate 90 around X (CCW) and shift half-height down
		mat4x4_translate(transformMatrix, 0, -pVS->whl[1] / 2, 0);
		mat4x4_rotate_X(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, degrees2radians * 90);
	//create vertices
	if (strstr(pVS->shapeType, "tank") != nullptr)
		buildBoxFaceTank(pMB, applyTo, &vs);
		buildBoxFacePlain(pMB, applyTo, &vs);

	//move face to it's place (apply transform matrix)
	int vertsN = pMB->vertices.size();
	for (int i = pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromVertexN; i < vertsN; i++) {
		Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(i);
		mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(pVX->aPos, transformMatrix, pVX->aPos, 1);
		mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(pVX->aNormal, transformMatrix, pVX->aNormal, 0);
	return 1;
int ModelBuilder::buildBoxFacePlain(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS) {
	if (pVS->whl[0] == 0 || pVS->whl[1] == 0)
		return 0;
	//create vertices
	int sectionsX = pVS->sections[0];
	int sectionsY = pVS->sections[1];
	int pointsX = sectionsX + 1;
	int pointsY = sectionsY + 1;
	float stepX = pVS->whl[0] / sectionsX;
	float stepY = pVS->whl[1] / sectionsY;
	float kY = pVS->whl[1] / 2;
	for (int iy = 0; iy < pointsY; iy++) {
		float kX = -pVS->whl[0] / 2;
		for (int ix = 0; ix < pointsX; ix++) {
			int nSE = addVertex(pMB, kX, kY, pVS->extF, 0, 0, 1); //vertex number on south-east
			if (iy > 0 && ix > 0) {
				//add 2 triangles
				int nSW = nSE - 1; //vertex number south-west
				int nNE = nSE - pointsX; //north-east
				int nNW = nSW - pointsX; //north-west
				add2triangles(pMB, nNW, nNE, nSW, nSE, iy + ix);
			kX += stepX;
		kY -= stepY;
	return 1;
int ModelBuilder::buildBoxFaceTank(ModelBuilder* pMB, std::string applyTo, VirtualShape* pVS) {
	//for diamond effect - sectionsRad=1, don't merge normals
	bool drawMiddle = true;
	bool drawTop = false;
	bool drawBottom = false;
	bool drawLeft = false;
	bool drawRight = false;
	bool drawTopLeft = false;
	bool drawTopRight = false;
	bool drawBottomLeft = false;
	bool drawBottomRight = false;
	if (pVS->extF == 0 || applyTo.find(" all") != std::string::npos) {
		drawTop = true;
		drawBottom = true;
		drawLeft = true;
		drawRight = true;
		drawTopLeft = true;
		drawTopRight = true;
		drawBottomLeft = true;
		drawBottomRight = true;
	else if (applyTo.find(" h") != std::string::npos) {
		drawLeft = true;
		drawRight = true;
	else if (applyTo.find(" v") != std::string::npos) {
		drawTop = true;
		drawBottom = true;
	if (applyTo.find(" no") != std::string::npos) {
		if (applyTo.find(" noM") != std::string::npos) {
			if (applyTo.find(" noMrow") != std::string::npos) {
				drawMiddle = false;
				drawLeft = false;
				drawRight = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noMcol") != std::string::npos) {
				drawMiddle = false;
				drawTop = false;
				drawBottom = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noMid") != std::string::npos)
				drawMiddle = false;
		if (applyTo.find(" noN") != std::string::npos) {
			if (applyTo.find(" noNrow") != std::string::npos) {
				drawTop = false;
				drawTopLeft = false;
				drawTopRight = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noNedge") != std::string::npos)
				drawTop = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noNW") != std::string::npos)
				drawTopLeft = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noNE") != std::string::npos)
				drawTopRight = false;
		if (applyTo.find(" noS") != std::string::npos) {
			if (applyTo.find(" noSrow") != std::string::npos) {
				drawBottom = false;
				drawBottomLeft = false;
				drawBottomRight = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noSedge") != std::string::npos)
				drawBottom = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noSW") != std::string::npos)
				drawBottomLeft = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noSE") != std::string::npos)
				drawBottomRight = false;
		if (applyTo.find(" noW") != std::string::npos) {
			if (applyTo.find(" noWcol") != std::string::npos) {
				drawLeft = false;
				drawTopLeft = false;
				drawBottomLeft = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noWedge") != std::string::npos)
				drawLeft = false;
		if (applyTo.find(" noE") != std::string::npos) {
			if (applyTo.find(" noEcol") != std::string::npos) {
				drawRight = false;
				drawTopRight = false;
				drawBottomRight = false;
			if (applyTo.find(" noEedge") != std::string::npos)
				drawRight = false;
	if (pVS->whl[0] > 0 && pVS->whl[1] > 0 && drawMiddle) {
		buildBoxFacePlain(pMB, applyTo, pVS);
	VirtualShape vs;
	vs.sectionsR = pVS->sectionsR;
	if (pVS->whl[0] > 0) {
		vs.sections[2] = pVS->sections[0]; //cylinder Z sections n
		vs.whl[2] = pVS->whl[0]; //cylinder length Z
		vs.whl[0] = pVS->extF * 2; //cylinder diameter X
		if (pVS->extU > 0 && drawTop) {
			vs.whl[1] = pVS->extU * 2; //cylinder diameter Y
			cylinderWrap(pMB, &vs, 0, 90);
			//rotate -90 degrees around Y and shift up
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 0, -90, 0, 0, pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 0);
		if (pVS->extD > 0 && drawBottom) {
			vs.whl[1] = pVS->extD * 2; //cylinder diameter Y
			cylinderWrap(pMB, &vs, -90, 0);
			//rotate -90 degrees around Y and shift down
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 0, -90, 0, 0, -pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 0);
	if (pVS->whl[1] > 0) {
		vs.sections[2] = pVS->sections[1]; //cylinder Z sections n
		vs.whl[2] = pVS->whl[1]; //cylinder length Z
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->extF * 2; //cylinder diameter Y
		if (pVS->extL > 0 && drawLeft) {
			vs.whl[0] = pVS->extL * 2; //cylinder diameter X
			cylinderWrap(pMB, &vs, 90, 180);
			//rotate 90 degrees around Y and shift left
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 90, 0, 0, -pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, 0, 0);
		if (pVS->extR > 0 && drawRight) {
			vs.whl[0] = pVS->extR * 2; //cylinder diameter X
			cylinderWrap(pMB, &vs, 0, 90);
			//rotate 90 degrees around Y and shift left
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 90, 0, 0, pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, 0, 0);
	vs.sectionsR = pVS->sectionsR;
	vs.sections[2] = pVS->sectionsR;
	vs.whl[2] = pVS->extF;
	if (pVS->extU > 0) {
		//top corners
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->extU * 2;
		if (pVS->extL > 0 && drawTopLeft) {
			vs.whl[0] = pVS->extL * 2;
			capWrap(pMB, &vs, 90, 180);
			//rotate 90 degrees around Y and shift left
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 0, 0, 0, -pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 0);
		if (pVS->extR > 0 && drawTopRight) {
			vs.whl[0] = pVS->extR * 2;
			capWrap(pMB, &vs, 0, 90);
			//rotate 90 degrees around Y and shift left
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 0, 0, 0, pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 0);

	if (pVS->extD > 0) {
		//bottom corners
		vs.whl[1] = pVS->extD * 2;
		if (pVS->extL > 0 && drawBottomLeft) {
			vs.whl[0] = pVS->extL * 2;
			capWrap(pMB, &vs, -180, -90);
			//rotate 90 degrees around Y and shift left
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 0, 0, 0, -pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, -pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 0);
		if (pVS->extR > 0 && drawBottomRight) {
			vs.whl[0] = pVS->extR * 2;
			capWrap(pMB, &vs, -90, 0);
			//rotate 90 degrees around Y and shift left
			moveGroupDg(pMB, 0, 0, 0, pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, -pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 0);
	if (pVS->extF == 0) {
		int vertsN = pMB->vertices.size();
		for (int i = pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromVertexN; i < vertsN; i++) {
			Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(i);
			v3set(pVX->aNormal, 0, 0, 1);
	return 1;

int ModelBuilder::cylinderWrap(ModelBuilder* pMB, VirtualShape* pVS, float angleFrom, float angleTo) {
	// angleFrom/To - in degrees
	float stepZ = pVS->whl[2] / pVS->sections[2];
	float stepDg = (angleTo - angleFrom) / pVS->sectionsR; //in degrees
	for (int nz = 0; nz <= pVS->sections[2]; nz++) {
		float kz = stepZ * nz - pVS->whl[2] * 0.5f;
		for (int rpn = 0; rpn <= pVS->sectionsR; rpn++) {
			// rpn - radial point number
			float angleRd = (angleFrom + stepDg * rpn) * degrees2radians;
			float kx = cosf(angleRd);
			float ky = sinf(angleRd);
			int nSE = addVertex(pMB, kx, ky, kz, kx, ky, 0);
			if (nz > 0 && rpn > 0) {
				int nSW = nSE - 1;
				int nNW = nSW - pVS->sectionsR - 1;
				int nNE = nSE - pVS->sectionsR - 1;
				add2triangles(pMB, nNE, nNW, nSE, nSW, nz + rpn);
	//scale to desirable diameters
	mat4x4 transformMatrix = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
	mat4x4_scale_aniso(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, 1);
	int vertsN = pMB->vertices.size();
	for (int i = pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromVertexN; i < vertsN; i++) {
		Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(i);
		mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(pVX->aPos, transformMatrix, pVX->aPos, 1);
	return 1;
int ModelBuilder::capWrap(ModelBuilder* pMB, VirtualShape* pVS, float angleFrom, float angleTo) {
	// angleFrom/To - in degrees
	//center point
	int n0 = addVertex(pMB, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
	float stepZdg = 90.0f / pVS->sections[2]; //in degrees
	float stepRdg = (angleTo - angleFrom) / pVS->sectionsR; //in degrees
	for (int nz = 1; nz <= pVS->sections[2]; nz++) {
		float angleZrd = stepZdg * nz * degrees2radians;
		float kz = cosf(angleZrd);
		float R = sinf(angleZrd);
		for (int rpn = 0; rpn <= pVS->sectionsR; rpn++) {
			// rpn - radial point number
			float angleRd = (angleFrom + stepRdg * rpn) * degrees2radians;
			float kx = cosf(angleRd) * R;
			float ky = sinf(angleRd) * R;
			int nSE = addVertex(pMB, kx, ky, kz, kx, ky, kz);
			if (rpn > 0) {
				if (nz == 1) {
					int nSW = nSE - 1;
					addTriangle(pMB, n0, nSW, nSE);
				else {
					int nSW = nSE - 1;
					int nNW = nSW - pVS->sectionsR - 1;
					int nNE = nSE - pVS->sectionsR - 1;
					add2triangles(pMB, nNW, nNE, nSW, nSE, nz + rpn);
	//scale to desirable diameters
	mat4x4 transformMatrix = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
	mat4x4_scale_aniso(transformMatrix, transformMatrix, pVS->whl[0] * 0.5f, pVS->whl[1] * 0.5f, pVS->whl[2]);
	int vertsN = pMB->vertices.size();
	for (int i = pMB->pCurrentGroup->fromVertexN; i < vertsN; i++) {
		Vertex01* pVX = pMB->vertices.at(i);
		mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(pVX->aPos, transformMatrix, pVX->aPos, 1);
	return 1;

9. Заменим TheGame.cpp код на:

#include "TheGame.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "linmath.h"
#include "Texture.h"
#include "Shader.h"
#include "DrawJob.h"
#include "ModelBuilder.h"

extern std::string filesRoot;

std::vector<GameSubj*> TheGame::gameSubjs;

int TheGame::getReady() {
    bExitGame = false;

    //=== create box ========================
    GameSubj* pGS = new GameSubj();

    pGS->ownCoords.setPosition(0, 0, 0);
    pGS->ownCoords.setDegrees(0, 0, 0);

    ModelBuilder* pMB = new ModelBuilder();
    pMB->useSubjN(gameSubjs.size() - 1);

    //define VirtualShape
    VirtualShape vs;
    vs.whl[0] = 60;
    vs.whl[1] = 160;
    vs.whl[2] = 390;
    vs.extD = 0;
    vs.extF = 0; //to make front face "flat"
    vs.sectionsR = 2;

    Material mt;
    //define material - flat red
    mt.shaderN = Shader::spN_phong_ucolor;
    mt.primitiveType = GL_TRIANGLES;
    mt.uColor.setRGBA(255, 0, 0,255); //red

    pMB->buildBoxFace(pMB,"front v", &vs);
    pMB->buildBoxFace(pMB, "back v", &vs);
    pMB->buildBoxFace(pMB, "top", &vs);
    pMB->buildBoxFace(pMB, "bottom", &vs);
    pMB->buildBoxFace(pMB, "left all", &vs);
    mt.uColor.setRGBA(0, 0, 255,255); pMB->useMaterial(&mt); //blue
    pMB->buildBoxFace(pMB, "right all", &vs);


    delete pMB;

    //===== set up camera
    v3set(mainCamera.ownCoords.pos, 0, 200, 1000); //set position
    float cameraDir[3];
    v3set(cameraDir, 0, -200, -1000); //set direction vector
    float cameraYawDg = v3yawDg(cameraDir);
    float cameraPitchDg = v3pitchDg(cameraDir);
    //mylog("cameraYaw=%f, cameraPitch=%f\n", cameraYawDg, cameraPitchDg);

    mainCamera.ownCoords.setDegrees(cameraPitchDg, cameraYawDg, 0);
    float cameraUp[4] = { 0,1,0,0 }; //y - up
    mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(cameraUp, *mainCamera.ownCoords.getRotationMatrix(), cameraUp, 0);

    mat4x4_look_at(mainCamera.lookAtMatrix, mainCamera.ownCoords.pos, pGS->ownCoords.pos, cameraUp);

    //===== set up light
    v3set(dirToMainLight, -1, 1, 1);
    vec3_norm(dirToMainLight, dirToMainLight);

    return 1;
int TheGame::drawFrame() {

    //glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);

    //calculate halfVector
    float dirToCamera[4] = { 0,0,-1,0 }; //-z
    mat4x4_mul_vec4plus(dirToCamera, *mainCamera.ownCoords.getRotationMatrix(), dirToCamera, 0);

    float uHalfVector[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        uHalfVector[i] = (dirToCamera[i] + dirToMainLight[i]) / 2;
    vec3_norm(uHalfVector, uHalfVector);

    mat4x4 mProjection, mViewProjection, mMVP, mMV4x4;
    //mat4x4_ortho(mProjection, -(float)screenSize[0] / 2, (float)screenSize[0] / 2, -(float)screenSize[1] / 2, (float)screenSize[1] / 2, 100.f, 500.f);
    mat4x4_perspective(mProjection, 3.14f / 6.0f, (float)screenSize[0] / screenSize[1], 700.f, 1300.f);
    mat4x4_mul(mViewProjection, mProjection, mainCamera.lookAtMatrix);
    //mViewProjection[1][3] = 0; //keystone effect

    //scan subjects
    int subjsN = gameSubjs.size();
    for (int subjN = 0; subjN < subjsN; subjN++) {
        GameSubj* pGS = gameSubjs.at(subjN);
        //behavior - apply rotation speed
        //prepare subject for rendering
        //build MVP matrix for given subject
        mat4x4_mul(mMVP, mViewProjection, pGS->ownModelMatrix);
        //build Model-View (rotation) matrix for normals
        mat4x4_mul(mMV4x4, mainCamera.lookAtMatrix, (vec4*)pGS->ownCoords.getRotationMatrix());
        //convert to 3x3 matrix
        float mMV3x3[3][3];
        for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                mMV3x3[y][x] = mMV4x4[y][x];
        //render subject
        for (int i = 0; i < pGS->djTotalN; i++) {
            DrawJob* pDJ = DrawJob::drawJobs.at(pGS->djStartN + i);
            pDJ->execute((float*)mMVP, *mMV3x3, dirToMainLight, uHalfVector, NULL);
    return 1;

int TheGame::cleanUp() {
    int itemsN = gameSubjs.size();
    //delete all UISubjs
    for (int i = 0; i < itemsN; i++) {
        GameSubj* pGS = gameSubjs.at(i);
        delete pGS;
    //clear all other classes
    return 1;
int TheGame::onScreenResize(int width, int height) {
    if (screenSize[0] == width && screenSize[1] == height)
        return 0;
    screenSize[0] = width;
    screenSize[1] = height;
    screenRatio = (float)width / (float)height;
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
    mylog(" screen size %d x %d\n", width, height);
    return 1;
int TheGame::run() {
    while (!bExitGame) {
    return 1;

Отличие от прежней версии:

Функция TheGame::getReady() теперь строит не просто “box”, а “box-tank” (кубик с закругленными краями и углами), строки с 33 по 55.

Обратите внимание, что вместо простых “front”, “right”, и т.д., у нас теперь “front v”, “right all”, etc. Это все про “extensions”:

10. Компиляция и запуск:



Теперь – с бликами.


Тут надо добавить Андроид-овские имплементации myMkDir() и myStrcpy_s().

11. Пере-запускаем VS. Открываем C:\CPP\a997modeler\p_android\p_android.sln.

12. Заменим platform.h код на:

#pragma once

typedef uint32_t myUint64;
typedef uint32_t myUint32;
typedef uint8_t  myUint16;
typedef uint8_t  myUint8;

void mylog(const char* _Format, ...);
void mySwapBuffers();
void myPollEvents();
int myFopen_s(FILE** pFile, const char* filePath, const char* mode);
int myMkDir(const char* outPath);
void myStrcpy_s(char* dst, int maxSize, const char* src);

13. Заменим platform.cpp код на:

#include <android/log.h>
#include "stdio.h"
#include "TheGame.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>	//mkdir for Android

extern struct android_app* androidApp;
extern const ASensor* accelerometerSensor;
extern ASensorEventQueue* sensorEventQueue;

extern EGLDisplay androidDisplay;
extern EGLSurface androidSurface;
extern TheGame theGame;

void mylog(const char* _Format, ...) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
    char outStr[1024];
    va_list _ArgList;
    va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
    vsprintf(outStr, _Format, _ArgList);
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "mylog", outStr, NULL);

void mySwapBuffers() {
	eglSwapBuffers(androidDisplay, androidSurface);
void myPollEvents() {
	// Read all pending events.
	int ident;
	int events;
	struct android_poll_source* source;

	// If not animating, we will block forever waiting for events.
	// If animating, we loop until all events are read, then continue
	// to draw the next frame of animation.
	while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(0, NULL, &events,
		(void**)&source)) >= 0) {

		// Process this event.
		if (source != NULL) {
			source->process(androidApp, source);

		// If a sensor has data, process it now.
		if (ident == LOOPER_ID_USER) {
			if (accelerometerSensor != NULL) {
				ASensorEvent event;
				while (ASensorEventQueue_getEvents(sensorEventQueue,
					&event, 1) > 0) {
					//LOGI("accelerometer: x=%f y=%f z=%f",
					//	event.acceleration.x, event.acceleration.y,
					//	event.acceleration.z);

		// Check if we are exiting.
		if (androidApp->destroyRequested != 0) {
			theGame.bExitGame = true;
int myFopen_s(FILE** pFile, const char* filePath, const char* mode) {
	*pFile = fopen(filePath, mode);
	if (*pFile == NULL) {
		mylog("ERROR: can't open file %s\n", filePath);
		return -1;
	return 1;
int myMkDir(const char* outPath) {
	struct stat info;
	if (stat(outPath, &info) == 0)
		return 0; //exists already
	int status = mkdir(outPath, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
	if (status == 0)
		return 1; //Successfully created
	mylog("ERROR creating, status=%d, errno: %s.\n", status, std::strerror(errno));
	return -1;
void myStrcpy_s(char* dst, int maxSize, const char* src) {
	strcpy(dst, src);
	//fill tail by zeros
	int strLen = strlen(dst);
	if (strLen < maxSize)
		for (int i = strLen; i < maxSize; i++)
			dst[i] = 0;

14. Под modeler добавим Existing Item

из C:\CPP\engine\modeler

  • ModelBuilder1base.cpp
  • ModelBuilder1base.h


15. Включаем, разблокируем, подключаем, разреншаем.

Rebuild solution. Run.


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